How Vice President Kamala Harris Must Fight to Win the Debate
A debate is a formal argument between opposing parties, each supporting its position with facts and logic. In his former lif
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Dear Friends,
Today, Joe Biden won the election and Trump was defeated.
Over Four years ago, while campaigning, Trump spoke at Gettysburg. He was on the same hallowed ground where Lincoln
gave his address. Trump used one of our most sacred memorials as a political prop. I remember.
After Trump was elected, he frequently made the absurd claim that he was as great a President as Lincoln.
This year, Trump, violated all historic protocol when he held a Fox Interview at the Lincoln Memorial. It was disgraceful.
Perhaps Trump’s blatant misuse of Lincoln’s memory backfired. Perhaps Trump awakened the spirit of President Lincoln. Perhaps, the spirit of President Lincoln helped us remember who we are.
We are the land of Lincoln. We are the country that fights slavery. We are the country that fights dictators. We are the country that fights fascism. We have never and will never embrace fascism. Today, America rejected fascism.
We are fundamentally a good- hearted people and we proved that once again today. We are still The Land of Lincoln.
God Bless America.
Robb Fickman, Houston
A debate is a formal argument between opposing parties, each supporting its position with facts and logic.
In his former life, Trump would watch televised wrestling. These matches are primarily fake, with lots of noise and melodrama.
I think Trump …
The reading of the Declaration means different things to different people. I can only tell you what it means to me.
For me, When we read the Declaration of Independence, we declare that we continue to stand united against …
Fifteen years ago, I organized a group of fellow Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) members, and we defiantly read the Declaration of Independence at the courthouse. We sought no permission. We stood with our backs to the courthouse. We …