The Democratic Party Must Unite Now


Friends – The Democratic Party lacks leadership and it needs to unite now. The debates do not serve to unite. I oppose further debates. The Party should sponsor forums where the Democratic Candidates present a united front in condemning

By Definition Trump is a Fascist
By Definition Trump  Is a Fascist
Per Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism has 14 characteristics. Eco’s definition is not perfect but it is a useful measuring stick.
Trumpism contains many of the  14 character  traits of fascism.
The Klan Endorses Trump


Friends -The Klan has officially endorsed Trump again. So far he has not rejected the endorsement.

When the Murderous bigot Klan endorses a candidate that means that candidate meets the Klan’s criteria. Any candidate who Meets the Klans criteria …

Romney’s Courage


Friends –

Today a group of cowardly Republican Senators voted to acquit Trump. They did this notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence of his guilt. Let history condemn all of them for their cowardice.

One senator did the right thing and …