How Vice President Kamala Harris Must Fight to Win the Debate
A debate is a formal argument between opposing parties, each supporting its position with facts and logic. In his former lif
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Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.-James Madison
Friends -The power in the aptly named “criminal” justice system lies with the judiciary, DAO and the cops. Daily, acting in concert, they engage in the systematic oppression of the accused. Madison was right.
The Judiciary, DAO and the cops are all in cahoots in our farcical system. The DAO doesn’t go after a bad cop. Hell, they buy him a beer & give him a parade.
That’s the world we live in and that friends is why the defense bar must always stand together.
Robb Fickman, Houston
A debate is a formal argument between opposing parties, each supporting its position with facts and logic.
In his former life, Trump would watch televised wrestling. These matches are primarily fake, with lots of noise and melodrama.
I think Trump …
The reading of the Declaration means different things to different people. I can only tell you what it means to me.
For me, When we read the Declaration of Independence, we declare that we continue to stand united against …
Fifteen years ago, I organized a group of fellow Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) members, and we defiantly read the Declaration of Independence at the courthouse. We sought no permission. We stood with our backs to the courthouse. We …