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Defense Bar Readings of the Declaration of Independence

Fifteen years ago, I organized a group of fellow Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) members, and we defiantly read the Declaration of Independence at the courthouse. We sought no permission. We stood with our backs to the courthouse. We loudly and defiantly read as a protest against the abusive judges we were then fighting. The constables were somewhat taken aback. They looked at us, pondering what to do about us, and we continued to read. In the end, they did nothing, and we started a tradition that has now lasted 15 years.

I have spent 15 years organizing other defense bar readings with my Lubbock colleague Chuck Lanehart. This year, there will be ~ 100 defense bar courthouse readings in Texas alone. Readings will also Be held in California, Georgia, and other states, all of which were inspired by our reading. Some of our colleagues who are traveling will read the Declaration overseas.

Today, at 11 a.m., across the street facing the courthouse, under some shade tents, we will again defiantly and loudly read the Declaration of Independence. I will make brief comments about what the reading means to me in these troubling days. I thank all of my colleagues across Texas and beyond for joining us in our defiant readings.
Read Loud, friends!

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