Robert Fickman speaking at the 2019 HCCLA Declaration of Independence reading, a tradition he began in 2010 which has since spread across the state.
Contributions to the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) & the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA).
HCCLA POSITIONS (current) Active member of the HCCLA Strike Force, coming to the aid of other defense lawyers
HCCLA POSITIONS (past) Board Member Vice President President Elect President (2006-07) Immediate Past President Chair of HCCLA Strike Force Host of association’s show “Reasonable Doubt”
TCDLA POSITIONS (current) State-wide organizer of the defense bar’s Declaration of Independence readings Active member of the TCDLA Strike Force
TCDLA POSITIONS (past) Board Member Co-chair of the Prosecutorial Misconduct Committee
HCCLA’S DISPLAY OF DECLARATION, CONSTITUTION, & BILL OF RIGHTS: In 2006, promoted the idea of displaying the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights in the Criminal Courthouse, Juvenile Courthouse, Civil Courthouse, & Jury Assembly Room. HCCLA donated historic replicas of these documents, and Robert led the ceremony with the help of others in dedicating these documents.
HCCLA & TCDLA JUDICIAL COMPLAINTS: As President of HCCLA, filed the first judicial ethics complaint on behalf of HCCLA’s against Judge Joan Campbell.
Gathered signatures in support of the Complaint against Judge Sharon Keller.
Drafted HCCLA’s judicial ethics complaint against Judge Robert Jones. As a result of this complaint, Judge Jones was privately sanctioned for illegally revoking a defendant’s bond.
Drafted TCDLA’s judicial misconduct complaint filed in the “WACO Biker Case”. The complaint was filed against the Justice of the Peace who set $1,000,000 bonds for 170 accused citizens.
HCCLA AND COMMUNITY ISSUES: As President of HCCLA, led the fight at City Hall to complete the funding of the Bromwich HPD Crime Lab investigation. The investigation was fully funded.
Led the fight at City Hall to challenge the Police Chief’s policy requiring the defense to get prosecutor permission to interview officers. The Chief’s policy was rescinded.
Led the fight at Metro challenging TSA’s search of passengers. TSA suspended the searches.
Led over 50 lawyers to Edna to protest the District Attorney’s indictment of a regional public defender. Ultimately the charges against the public defender were dismissed.
HCCLA/ TCDLA AND SIGNIFICANT LEGISLATION: Opposed reciprocal discovery and promoted the Morton Act. He organized meetings between key figures in an effort to bolster support for the Morton Act.
Testified with others before the Sunset Commission regarding the Commission on Judicial Ethics lack of action against unethical judges.
Testified before the Texas Senate Criminal Justice Committee in favor of expanding the ability of exonerees to file complaints against bad prosecutors.
Testified before the Texas Senate Criminal Justice Committee in favor of a bill requiring counties to be more transparent in their appointment systems.
AMICUS BRIEFS: Drafted & filed HCCLA’s amicus brief in opposition to castration as a condition precedent to probation on sex offenses.
HCCLA/TCDLA JULY 4th READINGS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: Organized the defense bar reading of the Declaration of Independence in front of the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.
Since 2010, has continued to organize readings across Texas and in other states.
In 2015, organized defense bar readings of the Declaration in 139 Texas Counties.
In 2016, organized defense bar readings of the Declaration in all 254 Texas Counties.
The most recent reading in Harris County was held on July 3, 2018.
The client, a Houston area medical assistant, was accused by her estranged husband of assaulting her in her family home. The defense showed that the complainant had a history of alcohol abuse and violence. The defense demonstrated that the police failed to conduct an adequate investigation of the initial charge, No charges should have ever been accepted.
The client believed to be facing potential Wire Fraud Charges related to SBA PPP loan applications. Investigation of applications for PPP loans and PPP forgiveness demonstrated that the Client had at all times acted in a lawful manner. Investigation demonstrated no fraud was committed by the client. Case closed.
Client was charged by Federal Indictment with making a social media post that threatened Malicious Damage and Destruction of a Building by Means of Fire and Explosives in violation of Federal law. The Defense showed that Client was a law-abiding citizen. The Defense further showed that the alleged threat was not made with any criminal intent.
The client, a public official with a long history of public service, was accused by a former girlfriend of engaging in non-consensual sexual relations. The Defense investigation and analysis showed through a detailed timeline that the allegation made absolutely no sense. Phone records, including calls and texts, were relied on to help establish an accurate timeline. The Defense met with law enforcement and reviewed a detailed package that exonerated the accused.
Client, a Houston area professional who frequently travels for work, was accused by his wife of assaulting her in his family home. Defense showed that wife’s story lacked credibility and there was no physical evidence in support of the wife’s allegation.
The client, a young Black male, was driving his car when police pulled him over for no apparent reason. It looked to be a profile stop. The client was accused of possessing a controlled substance in his vehicle. The Defense showed that there was no lawful basis for the police to stop the Client’s car. The Defense also showed that there was no lawful basis for the search of the Client’s car. It was a bad search, so the seized evidence was not admissible.
Not Guilty (C.R.)
Client charged in Federal Indictment In “Operation Wrecking Ball” with 55 named co-defendants. Client faced seven charges. Client was charged with Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine and Conspiracy to Engage in Money Laundering. Client was also charged with four counts of Distribution of Cocaine and one count of Money laundering.
Allegations involved client’s alleged use of his home to distribute cocaine. Government’s lengthy investigation involved numerous wiretaps, surveillance, video, pole cams, search warrants, vehicle stops and use of cooperating co-defendants.
Client went to trial with four remaining defendants. After a two-week trial, Judge granted Motion for Acquittal on four of the seven charges. Jury found Client Not Guilty of remaining three charges.
Client charged in Federal Court with two counts of Wire Fraud related to Five SBA EIDL loan applications. The Government alleged the client, a Houston professional, defrauded the Small Business Administration out of over $150,000. The Government also found the intended loss was over half a million dollars. The Client faced up to 20 years in prison on each count. The Defense investigated the case and negotiated a deal that included the Government not opposing a probation. The Federal Guideline calculation was for a prison sentence and the Probation Department recommended a prison sentence. Attorney Fickman submitted a 90 page Defense Sentencing Memorandum asking for Probation.
Client was retired professional. Client was accused of being involved in a road rage incident in 1960 Area. Defense put together a 100 page memorandum that demonstrated complainant was actual aggressor.
Client was accused of touching child. Case involved thousands of pages of psychiatric and Child Protective Services records as well as investigations by multiple police departments. After three- year fight, case dismissed.
Family violence charges are severe. The consequences can be long-term. If you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony family violence case, you must get the best legal counsel you can afford to fight and try to win your case. …
Oftentimes, the police conduct illegal phone searches. If they have searched your phone, they are most likely looking for evidence connecting you to criminal activity. If their search of your phone was not legally done, then whatever evidence was found …
Being investigated for a federal drug crime is overwhelming. Confusion about the allegations, anxiety over potential evidence, and uncertainty about what happens next can consume you.
Federal prosecutors and federal agents meticulously build their cases, often making it feel like …